- Published 09/04/2021
When and where can you arrange a scrap collection from?
Scrap car collection services are designed to keep the process of disposing of your vehicle simple when it’s outlived its usefulness. Rather than having to drop your car off at the Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) yourself and get a lift with a friend or call a cab, this convenient service will see your scrap car picked up from a place and time of your choosing. This can be especially convenient when your car has failed its MOT and is no longer fit to drive.
Read on to find out where and when you can have a car collected, along with some helpful hints to ensure you’re prepared for pick-up day.
Where can I get my scrap car collected from?
Getting your scrap vehicle picked up from your home address is among the most common choices. You can wait comfortably in your house until the ATF sends their driver to collect your car and enjoy the flexibility of fitting your pick-up into your daily routine.
However, some car owners scrapping a car find it more convenient to have vehicles picked up from where they work when they have a busy schedule. Providing you have some personal ID and your V5C logbook with you, your car can be picked up from your place of business just as easily.
When can I get my scrap car collected?
Collections can be arranged at times that are most suitable for you and some ATFs will even collect over weekends if this is more convenient. Just be sure to discuss this option when you arrange to have your vehicle scrapped.
Remember these points on collection day
Wherever you opt to have your scrap car picked up from, remember to remove any personal items you wish to keep and make sure the vehicle is easily accessible on a flat surface that can take the weight of the ATF’s collection vehicle. This dedicated transport will also require enough space to either drive your car onboard or move it by winch.
Your vehicle should still have its wheels and tyres inflated, so it can be rolled easily. If the ATF finds your car inoperable, they may decide to refuse collection and you’ll still be charged for wasting their time.
Are you set to scrap your car?
If you’re ready to scrap your car and have it taken away, you can count on Motorwise for a quick and easy collection today.