- Published 12/04/2021
Should you scrap or sell your car?
Saying goodbye to your vehicle is never easy, especially if the two of you have been on many journeys over the years. However, every journey has to end eventually, and with it, there is the question of what to do with the car – is it best to scrap or sell it?
1. Scrapping can be far more convenient
The process of scrapping your car may be easier than the arduous process of selling it. If you go the private route, then this will mean having to advertise it online, and jumping through any hoops necessary to secure a potential buyer – this can take weeks, if not months. If you’re buying a new car to replace the old one, then it might be that you don’t have the space for both and need to get rid of it quickly. Of course, other avenues might let you sell your car faster, such as via a dealership, but this will get you less money. In contrast, scrapping can take a matter of days, and they can come to you to collect the car, no matter the vehicle's condition.
2. Scrapping has environmental benefits
As we’ve touched upon before, scrapping your car helps the environment. Vehicle recyclers have to adhere to special regulations, and recycling the scrap is an eco-friendly alternative to refining new steel. On the other hand, selling your car leaves you in the dark about how it is being used. If it is particularly fuel-inefficient or is an ageing model, it could have a substantially negative impact on the environment.
3. Scrapping might be the only cost-effective option
No matter how well you look after your car, it will inevitably and slowly become pricier to keep on top of each new repair that’s needed. These costs will add up over time, and it might be more cost-effective to purchase a new vehicle altogether. At this point, selling your old car would probably only net you a fraction of what it was once worth, if you manage to find a buyer at all – when a car seems less like a part of the family and more of a financial burden, chances are that a vehicle recycler it is the way to go.
If you’re looking for a cost-effective and convenient way to dispose of your vehicle, Motorwise not only helps to scrap your car but also provides a free scrap car collection service across the country.