- Published 08/06/2021
Does your car need to be broken before you can scrap it?
Generally, people think that their car has to be broken or damaged before they can arrange scrap car collection services. But is that really the case? Do you need to wait for your car to be undrivable before calling the specialist vehicle recyclers at Motorwise?
When can you scrap a car?
You can scrap a car any time you choose. As the owner, it's your decision when you want to remove the vehicle from your life. The truth is that you don't need to wait until the vehicle is totally undriveable or damaged beyond repair to scrap it. People scrap running and driving vehicles all the time, and if you want to do so, there's absolutely nothing stopping you.
Why scrap a working car?
The next question you may have could be why someone would want to scrap a car that works at all. Every year a car has to pass its MOT, otherwise driving it is illegal (unless of course, it has an age-related exemption). As cars get older, the likelihood of expensive bills cropping up to repair and replace parts to get them through their MOT each year gets higher. Sooner or later the bill for keeping the car roadworthy is going to eclipse the car's actual value. It's at this point, most people decide to scrap it.
Remember that scrapping a car is a much more convenient option than trying to sell it. There may be someone willing to fix the car back up, but you would need to advertise it and handle the sale. That means potentially weeks or months of the vehicle still sitting at your property, not being used. For most people, when they decide they've had enough of a car and it seems unviable to sell it, scrapping is the best possible option.
Why is scrapping a good idea?
It's much easier, to start with. All you do is contact Motorwise, get your quote, confirm collection with one of our local agents, and that's that. The vehicle can be gone and your money paid to you within a few days. It's also an environmentally friendly option when you choose to contact a team of vehicle recyclers to scrap your vehicle. This means that every usable piece of material will be removed from the vehicle, and can go on to live a new life being manufactured into something else.
Regardless of your vehicle's current condition, contact Motorwise when you want stress-free scrappage services.