- Published 04/10/2021
The benefits of salvaging your vehicle
Sometimes cars don’t make it through to their expected lifespan, usually as a result of a major mechanical failure such as an engine failure. When that happens, car owners are left with a difficult decision to make - what will you do with your car? Generally speaking, if your car is less than 12 years old, it can avoid the scrap heap and be sold for salvage instead.
There are a number of advantages associated with selling your car for salvage such as a higher asking price and a more environmentally friendly outcome. This article is going to highlight some of the benefits of salvaging your vehicle.
Saves on repairs
It is often the case that a car that is primed for salvage has experienced a major mechanical issue, such as a broken gearbox or an engine malfunction. For a car owner, there are only two realistic choices - sell the car or pay for repairs. If you choose to repair the car, you are risking a hefty repair bill with no way of knowing that the same issue won’t arise again.
This problem can lead car owners to the next option - selling the car. If you choose to do this, you will save a lot of money on repair costs and you will pocket some extra cash when you make the sale.
Gives you a fair price
Salvaging a car is much preferable to scrapping one because you are going to receive more money for your car when salvaging it. Companies such as Motorwise have connections with trade repairers who look to repair vehicles at a much lower price point than the car owner can manage. Things like labour costs are offset by the trade repairer, which makes the repairs worthwhile. All of this means that car owners will receive a fairer price for their vehicle when compared to scrapping it.
An eco-friendly option
Salvaging a car is a more environmentally friendly option as it recycles car components into reusable replacement parts. Reputable companies such as Motorwise work with trade buyers to buy and sell ‘green’ replacement parts from other salvaged vehicles.
What this means is that car repairs can be more eco-friendly as it doesn’t require any new parts. Everything that can be used again will be, which helps increase the asking price for salvaged cars in the process.
If you are interested in salvaging your vehicle, contact us at Motorwise today to discuss your requirements.