- Published 04/01/2022
Benefits of scrapping your car
There are many benefits to scrapping your car. It’s a fast and efficient way in which you can easily get cash in hand to put towards a new vehicle. Also, it’s an environmentally friendly process as we use recycle scrap metal and reuse spare parts where possible, as well as being a way in which you can free your garage from space. Find out more in this quick blog.
One of the biggest advantages of scrapping a car is the cash benefit. Although selling a car can indeed in some cases be more profitable, it can be more time consuming, whereas scrapping a car will put a couple of hundred pounds in your hand fast and with no hassle. This is because scrap yards, such as ours, find value in the metal of your car and the healthy parts left on it. When you choose to scrap your car with us, we take as much as we can as this leads to an increased price. As well as this, if your car isn’t roadworthy, it can be incredibly dangerous to sell. In these cases, scrapping is the safest alternative.
Environmentally friendly
Did you know that scrapping is environmentally friendly? When you look beyond the machines used to crush cars, several environmental benefits can help you to reduce your carbon footprint. This is because the metal we take from car bodies, etc, saves the atmosphere from the pollution caused by the mining industry as we recycle what we collect. This policy even extends to miscellaneous car objects such as healthy batteries and gearboxes as we sell what we can second hand so that these parts don’t have to be created and bought first-hand. We make this as safe as possible by thoroughly checking and refurbishing each part we take.
Saves space
Often old, broken cars are sent to the garage rather than the scrapyard where they gradually become a rusty eyesore that’s constantly in the way. Free up your garage space by calling up our service to come and collect your vehicle and we’ll happily take it off of your hands. With cash in hand to help you buy a brand new car, you’ll be much happier when you’re able to finally step into a decluttered space.
For more information on the benefits of scrapping your car, feel free to contact a member of Motorwise our team today.