- Published 14/02/2022
Maximise the money you make from your unwanted car
Selling your car for scrap or as salvage was once a complicated process. You might be surprised to know, that vehicle owners once had to pay wreckers yards to get their cars scrapped. Fortunately, specialist services exist today that are designed to make this task as stress-free as possible. Run by professionals and following the law, these services are also committed to making sure transactions are fair.
If your car has a critical failure or has outlived its usefulness, read on for some helpful hints on how to make sure you profit when you sell it on.
Use a professional service
Regardless of whether your vehicle is salvage or scrap, always use an experienced and professional service that provides an upfront quote. This way you can be sure of the value of your vehicle before you agree to sell it and avoid any disappointment. Additionally, a professional service will collect your car for free, so you will never need to pay for an expensive tow truck or a taxi back from the Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) where it is being recycled.
While you won’t be able to get a cash payment for your car as this is illegal, a professional service will pay you directly into your bank account in good time.
Find out if your car is scrap or salvage
If your vehicle has a faulty engine or gearbox that is too expensive to fix, you may find many of its other parts are in excellent condition. While cars that are 15 years and over are typically classed as scrap, vehicles with the aforementioned issues can be classed as salvage. This important distinction can alter the price you sell your car for as specialist services will pay more for salvage.
Avoid fines
Always remember that you must inform the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) of any change of ownership. A failure to notify them can result in a massive penalty of up to £1,000.
Claim back your tax
Finally, don’t forget that you can claim back any road tax for any full months that you’re paid up for after you’re no longer a vehicle’s registered owner.
Trusted scrap and salvage services
Here at Motorwise, we are officially licenced as a dedicated Waste Carrier Broker by the EA. We specialise in a swift and hassle-free experience that ensures you get paid equitably for your unwanted car.
Receive your free quote today to get cracking or get in touch with our experienced team.