- Published 19/05/2022
The benefits of selling your car as salvage
Selling as salvage rather than scrap has several advantages that are worth considering when choosing how to get rid of an unusable vehicle. Contrary to popular belief, encountering issues with a car that makes it unfit for the road doesn’t mean it must be scrapped. At Motorwise, we aim to ensure that vehicle disposal is always swift and simple. To this end, we’ve compiled some reasons why salvage might be beneficial to help you in your decision making. Read on to learn more.
A question of cost
When a vehicle has a major mechanical issue, it can require thousands in repair work, an option that many people can't afford. In some situations, the price of repairs and replacement parts can even exceed the cost of buying another vehicle.
Keep it convenient
Obtaining a free quote and arranging to have your car picked up by an online service like Motorwise is the simplest way to have your vehicle disposed of whether it is scrap or salvage. One of Britain’s biggest salvage buyers, our team have the expertise and understanding to help you through the whole process and make sure you get paid handsomely for your unwanted car. Salvage cars commonly claim far higher price tags than scrap vehicles, making this option attractive to many people.
Kinder to the environment
Selling a car as salvage instead of as scrap is also better for the planet. As a rule, cars classed as salvage are not unusable due to age, but because of a critical fault. Consequently, many of their other components are in excellent working order. While when a vehicle is scrapped, its parts are often wasted, but this is not the case with a salvage vehicle.
Cars sold as salvage are bought by professional repairers who have the skills to get them back on the road. As a result, salvaging is the most environmentally friendly way of disposing of your vehicle.
Do you need an expert salvage service?
Dealing with an unwanted vehicle that is not equitable to repair doesn’t have to be a headache. At Motorwise, we can provide a service that is straightforward to understand and use, ensuring your car is collected and handled quickly and correctly - plus, we take the same approach to how you get paid. Contact our team today to find out what your car is worth and arrange a stress-free collection.