- Published 12/08/2022
How much is a salvage car worth?
The quality control (QC) departments of automakers and manufacturing regulations are designed to ensure that today’s cars come off the production line in perfect condition. However, registered keepers of vehicles can still find in the future that they have purchased a car with a faulty part.
A malfunctioning lock on the boot or a temperamental window wiper is not complex or expensive to fix. However, when issues exist with major systems and components that a car needs to run it can put the vehicle’s owner in a sticky situation.
Fortunately, if repairs are too pricey, depending on the age of the vehicle the owner may be able to recover some of their initial outlay by selling the vehicle as salvage. Read on to find out the value of a salvage car.
Defining a salvage car
If a car is no more than 12 years of age it may carry a salvage tag. While it might have a major mechanical issue that prevents it from working like a flawed gearbox or a total engine failure. Its other parts will still have plenty of active service life. If a car is 15 years of age or older, it will be classed as a scrap vehicle instead.
Top prices awarded to salvage vehicles
Car owners typically sell salvage cars when they can't foot the cost of repairs. However, these vehicles are not simple to sell the conventional way as most buyers are seeking a roadworthy ride to spend their hard-earned money on.
Luckily, professional auto salvage and scrap services will purchase these vehicles. As mentioned, salvage cars have components in a reusable condition that can be removed and installed in other vehicles to make them operational. Salvage specialists can sell them to trade repairers who have the skills to make repairs at an equitable price point. As salvage cars can be remarketed in this way, they can command attractive price tags. While how much an owner will receive will vary from car to car, salvage vehicles will be paid handsomely in comparison to those considered scrap.
Experts in salvage and scrap
Classifying a car’s condition is not always simple. Fortunately, our team at Motorwise can help you assess if your car is scrap or salvage.
If your vehicle is suffering from a mechanical fault but is too expensive to fix, get in touch with us today to get a quote and find out what your salvage car is worth.