How to determine the salvage value of a car

If your car is less than 12 years old, not yet ready to be scrapped, but has developed a major technical fault such as total engine or gearbox failure that's likely to cost a considerable amount to put right, then salvage might be an option. Whether the vehicle has just picked up a few knocks or has been written off, the salvage vehicle will have its part replaced and made roadworthy again. Alternatively, decent parts might be stripped and made available for the repair of other vehicles.

The salvage value of your car is likely to be higher than its scrap value, so it makes sense to consider salvage if you're faced with a hefty repair bill after a significant failure.

How is salvage value calculated, and what are you likely to receive?

Calculating salvage value

A car's salvage value will be determined by a range of different factors. The make and model will be a significant factor in valuing your vehicle for salvage, as too will its age. The weight of your car may also influence its salvageable value, as the heavier the car the more scrap metal a vehicle recycler might be able to use. Premium and rare cars may attract a higher salvage value, particularly if your vehicle could be made roadworthy again. The rarer and more in demand your make and model of car, the higher value it will attract. As too will vehicles that contain parts that sell at a premium.

However, the overall condition of your vehicle will play a big part in determining its overall salvage value.

Salvage vehicles are assigned a category based on their overall condition;

• Category A: The vehicle is beyond repair and will need to be crushed.

• Category B: The vehicle is beyond repair, and the body will need to be crushed, but parts can be retrieved.

• Category C: The vehicle could be repaired, but these repairs would cost more than the vehicle value.

• Category D: The vehicle could be repaired, and these repairs would cost less than the value of the vehicle.

• Category N: The vehicle has sustained non-structural damage and can be repaired.

• Category S: The vehicle can be repaired following structural damage.

If your car is written off and cannot be repaired, it will be assigned categories A or B. If the car can be salvaged and could potentially return to the roads, it's likely to fall into category N or S.

Every car is different, so to ensure you have an accurate salvage value for your vehicle, contact Motorwise for a free quote.

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