- Published 26/09/2022
What is a salvage car? The beginner's guide
The term ‘salvage car’ comes up often in the automotive industry, but what exactly does it mean? And how does a salvage car differ from a scrap car?
In this post, we’ll be answering that question and explaining everything you need to know about vehicle salvage. Plus, we’ll be revealing when you may want to salvage your car and how Motorwise can help.
Let’s get started!
What is a salvage car?
A salvage car is typically one that has developed a major mechanical fault that makes it too costly to repair. This might be a total engine failure, gearbox failure, ECU fault, or something similar.
Typically, the repair costs required to fix a vehicle with a fault like this can be as high as 75% of the total value of the car. As such, many car owners choose to salvage it instead by selling it to a company like Motorwise.
Car salvage vs scrapping: What’s the difference?
The key difference between car scrapping and salvaging is that a scrap car cannot be returned to the road, whereas salvage cars can. In other words, salvage cars are too good to scrap but too costly to repair.
Scrap vehicles are typically crushed and sold for materials, but salvage vehicles can be sold as-is through companies like Motorwise to trade repairers who are able to afford the costly repairs.
How to salvage a car
If your car’s too good to scrap but too steep in cost to repair, Motorwise is the solution for you. As the exclusive representatives of one of the UK’s largest salvage buyers, they offer top prices for your issued car. There are instant online quotes available followed by phone call confirmation before arranging a collection time. With this stress-free solution, it’s no surprise thousands of car owners have left with a smile on their faces.
With such attractive prices for these troubled vehicles, it’s a much better solution for car owners than trying for repairs themselves, as Motorwise can re-market and trade repairs for a much better price point.
Selling your faulty vehicle to Motorwise also offers ‘green’ replacements. This means that when you trust Motorwise with your vehicle, their trade buyers have access to car parts that have been sourced from dismantled cars; perfectly serviceable, tested and warranted. Making this undoubtedly the most environmentally friendly repair route whilst leaving the owner with a very fair price for their car. Making it a win-win for everyone – it’s a no-brainer!
Got a car that’s just a little too past its prime? Visit Motorwise today for a quote and salvage your car today!