- Published 28/09/2022
How does a car become salvage?
Hearing the words scrap and car disposal is daunting for anyone, especially when you don’t know what your options are. If your car has suffered costly damage but still has some useable components, it could make a good salvage car. But how does a car become salvage? Read on to find out.
What is a salvage car?
A salvage car is essentially a vehicle that is too good to scrap but has developed major mechanical faults that renders it no longer fit for the road. An example of a fault that would result in your car becoming a salvage car is total engine failure or complete gearbox failure. Salvage cars are typically less than 12 years old.
Why salvage a car?
Salvaging your car, especially through a licensed company like Motorwise, is beneficial for many reasons.
The most significant is the financial benefits on offer. Repairs can cost the unfortunate owner thousands of pounds, which is usually an unexpected expense that can leave you out of pocket. With problems often too steep to repair, plus the difficulties of selling privately, turning to a salvage service could be the most convenient solution.
Another advantage of salvaging your car with a licensed company like Motorwise is the use of suitable, ‘green’ replacement parts. This essentially means that their trade buyers will have access to suitable car parts, harvested from other dismantled cars, making this the most environmentally-friendly disposal route.
Is my car eligible?
If you’ve been told the repairs are too great and will cost more than the vehicle is worth, the chances are you can probably salvage your car. And if you’re worried about the condition of your vehicle - e.g., it has some bumps and scratches or a faulty engine - the good news is that this doesn’t tend to be a consideration, making it even easier to scrap your car. As long as the vehicle is complete, your car should be suitable for salvaging.
If you're still not sure that your car is salvageable, Motorwise is happy to help. With instant online quotes and a confirmation phone call for assurance, Motorwise is a trusted name when salvaging your car.