Would You Ride In A Self-Driving Car?

Autonomous cars

The advent of self-driving cars has brought about remarkable technological advancements, with major players in the industry working on their prototypes. Autonomous cars, as they are commonly known, are capable of driving without any input from a driver, as the car completely controls itself. Should these new technologies continue to develop and become widespread, they could potentially revolutionise the current transport system.

Intelligent sensors

Autonomous cars utilise a range of intelligent sensors that monitor various aspects of their surroundings to create an internal map. These sensors vary from one prototype to another but include radar, lasers, high-powered cameras, or sonar. The car's onboard computers then process all the information gathered by these sensors to create a comprehensive map of its surroundings, including potential hazards.

Responsive rules

Once the car is aware of its environment, it can steer, accelerate, and brake appropriately. The car is programmed to follow rules of the road, such as speed limits and traffic lights, while also being equipped with responsive rules, such as object avoidance and 'smart object discrimination.'

Human error

According to estimates, 90% of road accidents are caused by human error, including distractions, driving under the influence, or simply making mistakes. Autonomous cars are expected to reduce accidents by eliminating human error from the equation. These self-driving cars will soon be able to communicate with one another, which will help them avoid accidents by knowing what other cars are doing around them.

Not yet perfect

However, the adoption of this technology is not without risks. In 2018, a self-driving car being tested on the streets hit and killed a cyclist who was attempting to cross a busy road. This case serves as a reminder that autonomous cars are still in their early stages of development and require further refinement before they can be widely used on the roads.

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